SINCE 1998
Arlac was established in 1998, born from previously made experiences, such as theatrical and exhibition setups, and from joint projects with museum operators and art galleries.
Our skills can satisfy the most diverse needs in the field: setup, illumination design, creation of professional and customized packages, bases for sculptures, carpentry works, office furniture, shelving, structures and items for fair booths and stands, etc.
From the experience within the smelters of our region stems our competency in the setup and maintenance of sculptures.
Everything is complemented by a transport service with specialized staff for the most diverse needs regarding the packaging and the installation of artworks.

SINCE 1990
Within a joint project with Comune di Verona, we handled and installed the artifacts of the archeology museum of Teatro Romano, in Verona.
– Boccioni (1991)
– Afro (1992)
– Marino Marini (1994)
– Thomas Corey (1995)
– Melotti (1996)
– Morandi (1997)
– De Chirico (1998)
– Toti Scialoja (1999)
– Valerio Adami (2000)
– Dessi (2001)
– Eliseo Mattiacci (2002)
– Consagra (2007)
– Burri (2013)
– Spagnulo (2014)

SINCE 1997
art fairs
Since 1997, we have been providing our services during the setting up of art fairs, including:
– Art Basel, Basel
– Arte Fiera, Bologna
– MiArt, Milan
– FIAC, Paris
– Art Verona, Verona

SINCE 2002
We collaborated with the City of Verona for the exhibitions:
– “Metafore Barocche”, Lucio Fontana, Palazzo Forti (2002)
– Handling of lunette, Cappella dei Notai Palazzo della
Ragione (2008)
– Girolamo dai Libri, Castelvecchio (2008)
– “Il Mito”, Marc Quinn, vari siti (2009)
– “Dagli Asburgo al Regno di Italia“, Arsenale (2011)
– Handling and installation of the finds of the archaeological
museum of the Roman Theatre of Verona (2015-2016)
SINCE 1997
itali and abroad
We offer our services throughout Italy and also abroad.
– “I Teatrini“, Fausto Melotti, Pinacoteca of Como (1997)
– Nunzio e Dessi, Fondazione Pomodoro, Milan (2011)
– Isgrò / Castagna, GNAM, Rome (2013)
– ”Roma eterna”, Santarelli Collection, Basel (2014)
– ”Ma...un' estensione”, Ca' Pesaro, Venice (2015)
– Marc Chagall, Museo Santa Giulia, Brescia (2015)
– Christo, Museo Santa Giulia, Brescia (2016)
– Romanino / Previati, Creberg, Bergamo (2013)
– Tiepolo, Creberg, Bergamo (2016)
ANNO 2021
Allestimento, fornitura imballaggi e trasporti per la mostra temporanea per l'Opera della Primaziale Pisana svolta nel 2021 intitolata: "Orazio Riminaldi. Un maestro pisano tra Caravaggio e Gentileschi".
Ritiri effettuati presso i più importanti musei e gallerie nazionali ed estere, ad esempio
- Uffizi di Firenze
- Palazzo Reale di Pisa
- Musei Capitolini di Roma
- Galleria Nazionali di Arte Antica Corsini
- Palazzo Barberini
- Maison d'Art (Montecarlo)
- Galerie G. Sarti (Paris)